Track your work hours efficiently with Easy Time Tracking. This product is for tracking hours and billing your clients.
Track Billable and Non-Billable Hours With Ease!
Track Hours Tool
- Have you ever wondered how much it is worth to track your work
hours? A recent study has shown that
poor billable hour tracking accounted for up to 50 per cent of lost profit.
- It is because time is not only MONEY, but it is also
all the POSSIBILITIES and PLANS that are up in the air. If you are an
inefficient hour tracker, all this gets lost for you, isn't it?.
- No fear though. Easy Time Tracking turns hours
tracking into a piece of pie. (FREE version available for simlified single-user time tracking with some features disabled)
- Tracking hours is available in two formats: Duration, e.g. 6:45, or From..To, e.g. 9:00 to 9:30.
- If you are accustomed to tracking hours in decimal format, ETT
allows that too. Simply switch from one time format to the other in the program
settings. As a result, 10:15 will show as 10.25 (quarter of an hour showing as a decimal quarter).
- Timer makes hour tracking an absolutely painless task. Have
a long list of tasks? No problem. Tasks are divided into three groups: regular,
favorite, and recent. Recent tasks are placed on the top of a task list
automatically, as are favorites.
- Track hours for a whole team! Just let your men make their tasks
favorite and they will have no problem accessing them as quickly as can be.
- Quick Logger is another great tool to facilitate
time logging. Just select a task on the project tree and click Use Quick Logger
on the right-click menu.
Do not spend any more time looking,
download and try it on for size. With this superb product for time tracking and time billing,
you will lose not a penny of your valuable work hours. Make the most of it, do
not lose any more time! Leave the dreadful days without proper time tracking
behind forever!